BS Publications
The Ethical Hack
Author(s) :James S. Tiller

ISBN : 9781032459066
Name : The Ethical Hack
Price : 1495.00
Author/s : James S. Tiller
Type : Text Book
Pages : 348
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : CRC Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

The Ethical Hack: A Framework for Business Value Penetration Testing explains the methodologies, framework, and "unwritten conventions" that ethical hacks should employ to provide the maximum value to organizations that want to harden their security. This book is unique in that it goes beyond the technical aspects of penetration testing to address the processes and rules of engagement required for successful tests. It examines testing from a strategic perspective, shedding light on how testing ramifications affect an entire organization.

Critical Issues emphasized in The Ethical Hack and nowhere else:

·         A Focus on methodology over technology. Hacker tools and techniques are relatively well known, so this book instead explains how to apply the information derived from them toward the hardening of organizational security.

·         Interpretation of results. The author recommends expert integration of testing results into security practice, which is surprisingly uncommon.

·         Protecting the innocent. This book provides the framework for protecting security professionals and confidential information during testing.

·         Politics and processes. The text highlights the need for proper communications, expectations, and metrics before testing.

·         Testing procedures. The book is unique in connecting reconnaissance, data collection, vulnerability analysis, exploitation, analysis, and other testing components to overall business objectives.


1.    Getting Started

2.    Setting the Stage

3.    The Framework

4.    Information Security Models

5.    Information Security Program

6.    The Business Perspective

7.    Planning for a Controlled Attack

8.    Preparing for a Hack

9.    Reconnaissance

10. Enumeration

11. Vulnerability Analysis

12. Exploitation

13. The Deliverable

14. Integrating the Results

About the Author:

James Tiller, CISA, CISM, CISSP, is the Chief Security Officer and Managing Vice President of Security Services for International Network Services (INS). He is the author of A Technical Guide to IPSec Virtual Private Networks, contributing author to Information Security Management Handbook 2001–2005, has appeared in Information System Security Journal, and co-authored four patents on security architectures and policy applications. Jim has spent the last decade involved with information security in some form or another. From working as a “white hat” cracking systems, to participating in the development of security technologies and strategies at Bell Labs, he speaks regularly at events and seminars throughout North America and Europe and has been a guest speaker at various universities. You can find him bouncing around the world, or at home with his wife, Mary, daughter, Rain, and son, Phoenix.
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