BS Publications
Introductory Bioinformatics
Editor(s) :Irfan Ali Khan, Atiya Khanum

ISBN : 8188279137
Name : Introductory Bioinformatics
Price : 650.00
Editor/s : Irfan Ali Khan, Atiya Khanum
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 348
Year of Publication : 2004
Publisher : Ukaaz/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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1. Java Programming 2. Networking Concepts 3. Introducing Internet to Biologist 4. Bioinformatics: A Prophet of plenty 5. Data bases – Some background Information 6. DNA Chip: Database of Gene Expression 7. Pathway Databases 8. Finding a sequences record for gene 9. Sequence alignment 10. Protein Engineering: Orchestrating Future Biosciences 11. Remote Sensing: A Tool of Agroinformatics 12. Using blast for similarity searching 13. Aspects of advanced protein engineering 14. An Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics web resources – Part-I 15. An Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics web resources – Part-II 16. Electronic information resources and bibliographic management 17. Tracing the development of various important molecular visualization techniques

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