BS Publications
Renewable Energy Resources, Fourth Edition
Author(s) :John Twidell

ISBN : 9781032269252
Name : Renewable Energy Resources, Fourth Edition
Price : 1495.00
Author/s : John Twidell
Type : Text Book
Pages : 774
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2022
Publisher : Routledge / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Renewable Energy Resources is a numerate and quantitative text. It covers the many renewables technologies implemented worldwide by harnessing sustainable resources, mitigating pollution and climate change, and providing cost effective services.

This fourth edition is extensively updated by John Twidell with global developments as underpinned by fundamental analysis and illustrated by case studies and worked examples. Efficiency of end-use and cost-effectiveness is emphasized. Each chapter begins with fundamental scientific theory, and then considers applications, environmental impact and socio-economic aspects, before concluding with Quick Questions for self-revision, Problems and new Exercises. Basic theory underlying the technologies is covered in succinct Reviews of electrical power, fluid dynamics, heat transfer and solid-state physics. Common symbols and cross-referencing apply throughout; essential data are tabulated in Appendices.

Renewable Energy Resources supports multidisciplinary master’s degrees in science and engineering, and specialist modules at undergraduate level. Practicing scientists and engineers will find it a useful introductory text and reference book.


1.            Principles of renewable energy

2.            Solar radiation characteristics and impacts: including the greenhouse effect

3.            Solar water heating

4.            Other solar thermal applications

5.            Photovoltaic (PV) power technology

6.            Hydropower

7.            Wind resource

8.            Wind power technology

9.            Biomass resources from photosynthesis

10.         Bioenergy technologies

11.          Wave power

12.         Tidal-current and tidal-range power

13.         Ocean gradient energy: OTEC and osmotic power

14.         Geothermal energy

15.         Energy systems: integration, distribution and storage

16.         Solar-buildings and efficient energy use; including transportation, manufacture and homes

17.         Institutional and economic factors


Review 1. Electrical power for renewable

Review 2. Essentials of fluid dynamics

Review 3. Heat transfer

Review 4. Solid-state physics for photovoltaics

Review 5. Units, labeling and conversions: the algebraic method

About the Author:

John Twidell has considered experience in renewable energy as an academic professor in both the UK and abroad, teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses and supervising research students and fellows. He has participated in the extraordinary growth of renewable energy as a researcher, journal editor, board member of wind and solar professional associations, and company director. University positions have been in Scotland, England, Sudan and Fiji. The family home operates with solar heat and electricity, biomass heat, all-electric cars, energy management and a large vegetable garden; the aim is to practice what is preached! 
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