BS Publications
Clinical Pharmacokinetics
Editor(s) :Soraya Dhillon, Andrzej Kostrzewski

ISBN : 9780853695714
Name : Clinical Pharmacokinetics
Price : 2395.00
Editor/s : Soraya Dhillon, Andrzej Kostrzewski
Type : Text Book
Pages : 280
Year of Publication : 2006
Publisher : Pharmaceutical Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Pharmacokinetics is the study of the process of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination. The aim of applying pharmacokinetic principles is to individualise the dose of drug, and optimise the outcome achieved in each patient. Its application reduces the chance of under-treatment, inadvertent poisoning and dose-related adverse effects. 

This new textbook is a guide to the use of pharmacokinetic principles in routine clinical practice. Contents include:

·            Basic pharmacokinetics and equations glossary

·            Therapeutic drug monitoring

·            Pharmacokinetics in renal impairment, liver dysfunction and in the elderly

·            Specific chapters on various drug monographs

·            Clinical case reports

·            Self-study clinical cases with answers as a self directed learning resource

Clinical Pharmacokinetics will be useful to pharmacists, students and other health professionals in everyday clinical situations.


1.    Basic pharmacokinetics

2.    Therapeutic drug monitoring

3.    Clinical pharmacokinetics in renal impairment

4.    The effect of liver dysfunction on pharmacokinetics

5.    Clinical pharmacokinetics in the elderly

6.    Aminoglycosides

7.    Digoxin

8.    Theophylline

9.    Lithium

10. Antiepileptics

11. Ciclosporin

12. Clinical case studies

About the Editors:

Professor Soraya Dhillon is Head of the recently established School of Pharmacy at the University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK. She is a qualified pharmacist and holds a PhD in pharmacology. Her PhD and research interests are in the field of pharmacokinetics. Professor Dhillon was responsible for establishing one of the first pharmacokinetic therapeutic drug level monitoring services in the UK at Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow, London. She has over 20 years' experience of teaching pharmacokinetics at undergraduate and postgraduate level and has also published extensively in clinical pharmacokinetics. 

Andrzej Kostrzewski is a Senior Clinical Pharmacist working at Guy’s and St. Thomas' Hospital, London. He is also the academic lead for Clinical Pharmacy at the School of Pharmacy, University of Hertfordshire. He has extensive experience of education and training of pharmacokinetics at postgraduate level, and is an experienced clinical practitioner with over 20 years experience in hospital practice. 

Both authors were founder members of the Clinical Pharmacokinetics Society and have run numerous workshops in the UK and overseas on clinical pharmacokinetics and therapeutic drug level monitoring.
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