BS Publications
Drugs in Use – Case Studies for Pharmacists and Prescribers
Editor(s) :Linda J Dodds

ISBN : 9780857110916
Name : Drugs in Use – Case Studies for Pharmacists and Prescribers
Price : 3795.00
Edition : Fifth Edition
Editor/s : Linda J Dodds
Type : Text Book
Pages : 736
Year of Publication : 2013
Publisher : Pharmaceutical Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Drugs in Use helps you to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge about medicines and the practical application to your patients.

With an ever increasing shift of focus from theory to practice this book promotes evidence-based medicine and illustrates how you can optimise drug therapy in response to the needs of your individual patients. It will prove a valuable resource to pharmacists and prescribers.

The cases have been updated to reflect recent changes in medicines use and this new edition boasts:

· New evidence concerning optimal care

· Additional coverage of situations with difficulties in treatment optimisation

· Significant focus on major advances in therapeutics

· Self study questions and answers within each case.

With self study questions and answers to accompany each case, you will find this a useful resource throughout your career. As a student, it will assist your studies and as a practicing pharmacist or prescriber in hospital or community it will aid your continuing professional development.


  1. Hypertension
  2. Ischaemic Heart Disease
  3. Myocardial Infarction
  4. Cardiac Failure
  5. Stroke
  6. Type I Diabetes in Childhood
  7. Type II Diabetes Mellitus
  8. Acute Kidney Injury
  9. Established Renal Failure Managed By Automated Peritoneal Dialysis
  10. Renal Transplantation
  11. Asthma
  12. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  13. Peptic Ulcer
  14. Crohn's Disease
  15. Alcoholic Liver Disease
  16. Rheumatoid Arthritis
  17. Osteoporosis
  18. Epilepsy
  19. Parkinson's Disease
  20. Depression
  21. Schizophrenia
  22. Dementia
  23. Substance Misuse
  24. Human Immunodeficiency (HIV) Disease: Opportunistic 
  25. Infections and Antiretroviral Therapy
  26. Oncology
  27. Symptom Control in Palliative Care
  28. Eczema
  29. Psoriasis
  30. Anticoagulant Therapy
  31. Colorectal Surgery
  32. Cholecystectomy
  33. Medicines Optimisation in Primary Care
  34. Managing Medicine Risk

About the Editor:

Linda Dodds is Director of the division of Medicines Use and Safety for East and South East England Specialist Pharmacy Services. This specialist pharmacy services team supports pharmacists working in all sectors over approximately 4Oo/o of the UK population. Linda is also a teacher practitioner at the Medway School of Pharmacy, where she has developed and delivers postgraduate programmes, including a Masters in Medicines Management, and the Diploma in General Pharmacy Practice for hospital

and community pharmacists.

Prior to these roles Linda was a pharmaceutical adviser, first to a Health Authority and latterly to primary care organisations, but for a large part of her career she worked in hospitals, most recently as a Clinical Services Manager and Clinical Trainer. She has contributed as an author and editor to a variety of clinical pharmacy publications, and worked part-time as a community pharmacist. In 1992 and 1996 she was external examiner for the MSc in Clinical Pharmacy at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Throughout her career Linda has undertaken and published pharmacy practice research on a variety of topics. Most recently she has been facilitating projects to support the implementation of the NPSA/NICE safety solution on medicines reconciliation, and to drive improvements in the transfer of medicines information as patients move between care settings. Her current research interest is the integration of pharmacy support into the stroke care pathway.
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