BS Publications
Applied Pharmaceutical Practice
Author(s) :Christopher A. Langley, Dawn Belcher

ISBN : 9780853698357
Name : Applied Pharmaceutical Practice
Price : 2395.00
Author/s : Christopher A. Langley, Dawn Belcher
Type : Text Book
Pages : 206
Year of Publication : 2009
Publisher : Pharmaceutical Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

FASTtrack provides the ultimate lecture notes and is a must-have for all pharmacy undergraduate students wanting to study and test themselves for forthcoming exams.


FASTtrack: Applied Pharmaceutical Practice focuses on what pharmacy students really need to know in order to pass exams, providing concise, bulleted information, chapter overviews, key points, and an all-important self-assessment section which includes MCQs.

This FASTtrack book has been written to guide the student pharmacist or pharmacy technician through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. This reference text accompanies the compulsory dispensing courses found in all undergraduate MPharm programmes and equivalent technical training courses. It is an invaluable resource either as a study aid or as a companion to the core reference text Applied Pharmaceutical Practice.


1.    Introduction, medicines classification and standard operating procedures

2.    NHS supply in the community 1: prescription forms and prescribing

3.    NHS supply in the community 2: prescribers and the dispensing process

4.    NHS supply within hospitals

5.    Non-NHS supply

6.    Controlled drugs

7.    Emergency supply

8.    Patient counselling and communication 1: the basics of patient communication

9.    Patient counselling and communication 2: product-specific counselling points

10.    Poisons and spirits

About the Authors:

Christopher A Langley, BSc, phD, MRpharmS, MRSC, FHEA is a qualified pharmacist who graduated from Aston university in 1996 and then undertook his pre-registration training at St Peters’ Hospital in Chertsey. Upon registration, he returned to Aston University to undertake a PhD within the Medicinal chemistry Research Group before moving over full time to pharmacy practice. He is currently employed as a Senior Lecturer in pharmacy Practice, specialising in teaching the professional and legal aspects of the degree programme.

His research interests predominantly surround pharmacy education but he is also involved in research examining the role of the pharmacist within both primary and secondary care. This inciudes examining the pharmacists' role in public health and the reasons behind and possible soiutions to the generation of waste medication.

Dawn Belcher, Bpharm, MRPharmS, FHEA is a qualified pharmacist who graduated from the welsh school of Pharmacy in 1977 and then undertook her pre-registration training with Boots the Chemist at their wolverhampton store. After registration she worked as a relief manager and later as a pharmacy manager for Boots the Chemist Until

1984. While raising a family she undertook locum duties for Boots the Chemist and in 1986 became an independent locum working for a small, chain of Pharmacies in the west Midlands while also working for Lloyds Chemist.

In 1989 she began sessional teaching with the pharmacy Practice group at Aston University which continued until she took a permanent post in 2001. She now enjoys teaching practical aspects of pharmacy practice while stil keeping an association with Lloydspharmacy where she is employed as a relief manager.
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