BS Publications
Essentials of GPS
Author(s) :N. K. Agrawal

ISBN : 10112021-1
Name : Essentials of GPS
Price : 300.00
Author/s : N. K. Agrawal
Type : Text Book
Pages : 172
Year of Publication : 2012
Publisher : Geodesy GPS / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1.    Geodesy

2.    Global Positioning System

3.    WGS 84 and Indian Geodetic System

4.    Didderential GPS (DGPS)

5.    Signal Processing GPS Observables

6.    Error Budget and Corrections

7.    GPS Applications

8.    GPS Glossary

9.    Articles/Columns on GPS 

About the Author:

Nand Kishore Agrawal, born in 1941, started his career in Surveying profession in 1963 by joining in Survey of India. He retired as Director, Survey Training Institute of Survey of India in July 2001 after 38 years service to Geodesy, Surveying and Mapping. He distinguished himself as Surveyor, Teacher, Geodesist and Administrator. He has been teaching Geodesy, GPS, Map projections and all survey subjects since last more than 20 years. He studied Satellite Geodesy under the guidance of Professor Paul Cross at University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom in 1986-87. He was Head, Faculty of Geodesy and Computer Science in Survey Training Institute from 1993 to 2001. He has been teaching Geodesy and GPS to M. Tech course as Guest faculty, at JNTU Hyderabad.

He has been taking lectures in these subjects at various institutes such as Anna University, Chennai, IIT Kanpur, Engineering Staff College, Hyderabad etc., on invitation. He was fellow of Institution of Surveyors (India), Member of Institution of Engineers (India), and Member of Indian National Cartographic Association. He was National Correspondent, International Association of Geodesy. He has published many papers/article in GPS, geodesy and related subjects in various GIS magazines in India. He is now Advisor “Geodesy and GIPS”, and also conducts in-house courses in related subjects. 
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