BS Publications
Core Python Programming
Author(s) :Wesley J. Chun

ISBN : 9788131711880
Name : Core Python Programming
Price : 995.00
Author/s : Wesley J. Chun
Type : Text Book
Pages : 1117
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2022
Publisher : Pearson / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Python is an agile, robust, expressive, fully object-oriented, extensible, and scalable programming language. It combines the power of compiled languages with the simplicity and rapid development of scripting languages. In core Python Programming, Second Edition, leading Python developer and trainer Wesley Chun helps you learn Python quickly and comprehensively so that you can immediately succeed with any python project.

Using practical code examples, Chun introduces all the fundamentals of Python programming: syntax, objects and memory management, data types, operators, files and I/O, functions, generators, error handling and exceptions, loops, iterators, functional programming, object-oriented programming and more. After you learn the core fundamentals of Python, he shows you what you can do with your new skills, delving into advanced topics, such as regular expressions, networking programming with sockets, multithreading, GUI development, Web/CGI programming and extending Python in C.

This edition reflects major enhancements in the Python 2.x series, including 2.6 and tips for migrating to 3. It contains new chapters on database and Internet client programming, plus coverage of many topics, including new-style classes, Java and

Jython, Microsoft Office (Win32 COM Client) programming, and much more.

o    Learn professional Python style, best practices, and good programming habits

o    Gain a deep understanding of Python’s objects and memory model as well as its OOP features, including those found in Python’s new-style classes

o    Build more effective web, CGI, Internet, and network and other client/server applications

o    Learn how to develop your own GUI applications using Tkinter and other toolkits available for Python

o    Improve the performance of your Python applications by writing extensions in C and other languages, or enhance I/O-bound applications by using multithreading

o    Learn about Python’s database API and how to use a variety of database systems with Python, including MySQL, Postgres, and SQLite

o    Features appendices on Python 2.6 & 3, including tips on migrating to the next generation!


o    Systematic, expert coverage of Python’s core features

o    Powerful insights for developing complex applications

o    Easy-to-use tables and charts detailing Python modules, operators, functions, and methods

o    Dozens of professional-quality code examples, from quick snippets to full-fledged applications


Part-I: Core Python

1.    Welcome to Python

2.    Getting Started

3.    Python Basics

4.    Python Objects

5.    Numbers

6.    Sequences: Strings, Lists, and Tuples

7.    Mapping and Set Types

8.    Conditions and Loops

9.    Files and Input/output

10. Errors and Exceptions

11. Functions and Functional Programming

12. Modules

13. Object-Oriented Programming

14. Execution Environment

Part-II: Advanced Topics

15. Regular Expressions

16. Network Programming

17. Internet Client Programming

18. Multithreaded Programming

19. GUI Programming

20. Web Programming

21. Database Programming

22. Extending Python

23. Miscellaneous

About the Author:

Wesley J. Chun, MSCS, is the author of Python Fundamentals, a companion video to Core Python Programming, and the coauthor of Python Web Development with Django. In addition to being a senior software architect, he runs CyberWeb (, a consulting business specializing in Python software engineering and technical training. He has more than twenty-five years of programming, teaching, and writing experience, including more than a decade with Python. While at Yahoo!, he helped create Yhoo! Mail aZnd Yahoo! People Search using Python. He holds degrees in computer science, mathematics, and music from the University of California.  
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