BS Publications
Hydrology and Watershed Management - II
Editor(s) :B. Venkateswara Rao, G. Jagmohandas, C. Sarala, M. V. S. S. Giridhar

ISBN : 8178001381
Name : Hydrology and Watershed Management - II
Price : 2250.00
Volume : 2 vol
Editor/s : B. Venkateswara Rao, G. Jagmohandas
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 1594
Year of Publication : 2007
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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1. Inaugural, 2. Plenary, 3. Colloquium, 4. Technical Session – I: Groundwater Exploration and Development, 5. Technical Session – II: Hydrology Parameter Estimation and Modelling, 6. Technical Session – III: Water Productivity in the Agriculture, 7. Technical Session – IV: Groundwater Recharge and Modelling, 8. Technical Session – V: Computational Methods in Hydrology, 9. Technical Session – VI: Soil and Water Conservation Technologies, 10. Technical Session – VII: Groundwater Quality and Hydro Chemical Investigations and Isotope Techniques

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