BS Publications
Protective Relays Their Theory & Practice
Author(s) :AR Van C. Warrington

ISBN : 9781493991914
Name : Protective Relays Their Theory & Practice
Price : 1995.00
Edition : Third Edition
Volume : Volume - I
Author/s : AR Van C. Warrington
Type : Text Book
Pages : 500
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2019
Publisher : Springer / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1.    Purpose of Protective Relays and Relaying

2.    Relay Design and Construction

3.    The Main Characteristics of Protective Relays

4.    Overcurrent Protection

5.    Distance Relays

6.    Switched and Polyphase Distance Relays

7.    Directional Pilot Relaying

8.    A.C. Pilot Relaying

9.    Protection of A.C. Machines

10. Power Transformer Protection

11. Bus-Zone Protection

12. Back-up Protection

13. Maintenance and Testing of Relays

14. Miscellaneous

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