BS Publications
Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology Volume - 13
Editor(s) :James Swarbrick, James C. Boylan

ISBN : 9780367200978
Name : Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology Volume - 13
Price : 5995.00
Volume : Volume - 13
Editor/s : James Swarbrick, James C. Boylan
Type : Text Book
Pages : 537
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2019
Publisher : CRC Press / BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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·         Preservation of Phamaceutical Products

·         Preservative Testing

·         Prodrugs

·         Product License Applications (PLAs) and Establishment License 

Applications (ELAs) for Biological Products

·         Project management

·         Protein Binding of Drugs

·         Pyrogens and Pyrogen Testing

·         Quality Assurance of Drug Products

·         Radiation Sterilization of Drugs

·         Radiochemical Methods of Analysis

·         Receptors for Drugs

·         Rectal Administration and Absorption of Drugs

·         Registration of Drugs

·         Rheology of Pharmaceutical Systems

·         Robotics in the Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Laboratory

·         Salt Forms of Drugs and Absorption

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