BS Publications
Corporate Governance History, Evolution and India Story
Author(s) :Praveen B. Malla

ISBN : 9781138718777
Name : Corporate Governance History, Evolution and India Story
Price : 695.00
Author/s : Praveen B. Malla
Type : Text Book
Pages : 268
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2019
Publisher : Taylor and Francis / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Corporate governance for long has been examined in depth from either the finance or the corporate social responsibility (CSR) perspective. While finance researchers worried about the impact of governance variables on accounting measures of return or vice versa, CSR researchers were intrigued by the social responsibility garb that corporations wore. Either way, the concept of corporate governance while it gained from the strength of such research, lost in its seriousness, the core idea of the subject that would help a seeker understand, assimilate and appreciate the importance of corporate governance. This book assumes the reader to be a novice but seriously interested student of corporate governance. It embarks on a journey that as any other journey starts, with small steps, gradually growing into leaps, followed by bigger jumps and then finally halts with a serious explanation on the way corporate governance has evolved in India. Two issues are central to the current day corporate governance problems separation of ownership and control and what it logically leads to conflicts of interest . This book attempts to cover the theoretical concepts around corporate governance and explains the extant governance models. It analyses the conditions in the post-Independence (post-1947) and pre-liberalization period, the relation between the industry and the State and the susceptibility for lack of accountability in terms of certain corporate governance norms. Written very precisely, and peppered with examples, the book addresses the challenges and opportunities in India in terms of charting a new path of adopting a corporate governance model.


Part – I: Introduction

1.    Corporation and Governance

2.    Corporate Governance: Theoretical Foundation

Part – II: Governance: Four Important Players

3.    Owners and Board

4.    Chief Executive Officer and Institutional Investors

Part – III: Corporate Governance: Four Models

5.    Market-oriented and Relationship-based Models

6.    Transition and Growth Economics

Part – IV: Miscellaneous

7.    Ethics and Social Responsibility

8.    Regulation

9.    Divergence, not Convergence

Part – V: Corporate Governance in India

10. Systemic Development

11. Relationship-based Evolution

About the Author:

Praveen B Malla was conferred with a PhD degree by the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay for his thesis on corporate governance. Praveen B Malla is a triple postgraduate with Masters degrees in Business Administration, English Literature and Philosophy. He has been awarded the prestigious Junior/Senior Research Fellowship award by the University Grants Commission of India to pursue his doctoral studies.

Praveen has published numerous papers, articles, book chapters, conference papers in various national and international journals/conferences of repute. He has over ten years of industry experience with exposure to various profiles like Sales, Research, Strategy and Editing, and has worked for organizations like Aptech Limited, Bennett, Coleman and Company Limited (The Times Group). Currently he is with Infosys Technologies Limited.
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