BS Publications
Clinical Trials and Human Research: A Practical Guide to Regulatory Compliance
Author(s) :Fay A. Rozosky, Rodney K. Adams

ISBN : 9788126577583
Name : Clinical Trials and Human Research: A Practical Guide to Regulatory Compliance
Price : 4995.00
Author/s : Fay A. Rozosky, Rodney K. Adams
Type : Text Book
Pages : 496
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2018
Publisher : John Wiley / BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book:

This easy-to-read reference book provides a practical approach for dealing with the legal and regulatory compliance issues involved in human research. Covering a broad range of topics, such as consent, confidentiality, subject recruitment and selection, the role of the investigator and Institutional Review Board, it offers timely and useful strategies for achieving regulatory compliance while reducing liability. In addition, insurance, quality management, accreditation, and risk management are topics examined in the book. The practical insights found in this volume are not found in other books on the subject. Clinical Trials and Human Research is a practical tool to help anyone involved in clinical research. 


1.    The evolution of Human Experimentation Regulation

2.    Current Federal Regulation and Agencies Involved in Human Research

3.    State Regulation of Human Research

4.    Selection and Recruitment of Research subjects

5.    Informed Consent in Clinical Trials

6.    Confidentiality of Clinical Trials Information

7.    The investigator

8.    Research protocols

9.    The Institutional Review board 

10. Patient Safety in clinical Trials Research

11. Human Research Under the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act

12. Behavior Research 

13. Multisite and Collaborative Studies

14. Medical Malpractice Liability in Human Research

15. Quality Improvement, Accreditation, and Risk

16. Corporate Compliance and Human Research

17. Ethics in Human Research

18.  International Research

About the Authors:

Fay A. Rozovsky, J. D., M.P.H. is an affiliate associate professor in the Department of Legal Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University's School of Medicine. Ms. Rozovsky has served as the administrator of an Institutional Review Board and is a member of human research committees in the United States and Canada.


Rodney K. Adams, J.D., L.L.M., is an attorney in Richmond, Virginia, where he specializes in defending healthcare providers and patient care issues. Mr. Adams is cochairman of the American Bar Association subcommittee on medical ethics. He also is adjunct assistant professor at University of Richmond, T. C. Williams College of Law, Richmond, Virginia.
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