BS Publications
An Introduction to Ocean Dynamics
Author(s) :Navale Pandharinath

ISBN : 9789387593077
Name : An Introduction to Ocean Dynamics
Price : 2495.00
Author/s : Navale Pandharinath
Type : Text Book
Pages : 383
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2020
Publisher : BS Publications / BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here
Chapter1 : Click here
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About the book:

The book is written to meets the needs of post graduate students who opt special subjects of ocean and atmospheric sciences and oceanography, ocean engineering. These students have different back grieved, require self study like physical and basic dynamic ocean back ground and this aspect fully meets – First seven chapters are dealt with physical oceanography and the remainder deals with dynamics of ocean

The Book Covers:

The oceans composition, ocean currents, distribution temperature, salinity, density, ocean mixed layer and termocline. Ocean  stability, heat budget, friction and turbulence is dealt. After this dynamics of ocean given, which covers fluid statics, fluid dynamics equations of continuity and motion. Wind drives ocean circulation, geotropic motion and vorticty in ocean given. Dealing firefly about geophysical aspect of hydrodynamics, the deep ocean circulation described. Describing the source of energy, the sun, the input of ocean on earths climate, ocean waves, tides tsunamis and finally elements of ocean modeling presented.


1. The Oceans 2. Ocean Currents 3. Geophysical Properties of Oceans and Earth 4. Distribution of Temperature 5. Ocean Mixed Layer and Thermocline 6. Stability 7. Oceanic Heat Budget 8. Friction and Turbulence 9. Fluid Statics 10. Fluid Dynamics 11. Equation of Continuity or Conservation of Mass 12. Equations of Motion 13. Fields 14. Ekman Layer – Introduction 15. Wind Driven Ocean Circulation 16. Geostrophic Motion 17. The Vorticity in Ocean 18. Geophysical Hydrodynamics 19. The Deep Ocean Circulation 20. The Role of Ocean in Climate Fluctuation 21. The Sun 22. The EarthAtmospheric System 23. Impact of the Ocean on Climate 24. Geological Time Scale 25. Ocean Waves 26. Tides 27. Numerical Models

About the Author: 

Navale Pandharinath (Maths) (Statistics) is a retired director of India Meteorological Dept. He has undergone departmental advanced training in Meteorology at Pune, has rich experience both in Aviation and Non-Aeration weather forecasting, cyclone warnings flood-met-work and agri-met work. He has published about forty papers in Mausam & Vayumaeda, departmental journals and in National and International seminars and symposiums. He has published four books – A course in Dynamic meteorology, the Science of Weather and Environment, Aviation Meteorology and Earth and Atmospheric Disasters Management. After retirement he worked as a ground instrumental Meteorology in Andhra Pradesh Aviation Academy and flytech aviation Academy, Hyderabad. He worked as a just faulty (2013-16) University Centre for Earth and Space science ( oceans and Atmospheric science) at University Hyderabad.
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