BS Publications
Practical Drug Safety from A to Z
Author(s) :Barton Cobert, Pierre Biron

ISBN : 9789384323349
Name : Practical Drug Safety from A to Z
Price : 995.00
Author/s : Barton Cobert, Pierre Biron
Type : Text Book
Pages : 424
Year of Publication : Rpt.2017
Publisher : Jones & Bartlett / BSP Boo
Binding : Paperback
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About the book:

It is aimed at drug safety professionals working in the pharmaceutical and allied industries, regulatory agencies clinical research organizations, students and their teachers in medicine nursing and pharmacy, those who make decisions regarding drug therapy, whether in public health, industry or clinical practice.

This book should be on the shelf of anyone in the field and especially those preparing for courses, seminars, and conferences on drug safety, In fact we sincerely hope it will foster the teaching of pharmacovigilance in medical and pharmacy schools and encourage the publication of much-needed updated textbooks in drug-induced diseases.

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