BS Publications
Pharmaceutics A Practical Manual (for First Year Pharm D Programme)
Author(s) :Guru Prasad Mohanta, Prabal Kumar Manna

ISBN : 9789352301911
Name : Pharmaceutics A Practical Manual (for First Year Pharm D Programme)
Price : 200.00
Edition : Revised Edition
Author/s : Guru Prasad Mohanta, Prabal Kumar Manna
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 126
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : PharmaMed Press/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Chapter1 : Click here
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About the Book:

Pharmaceutics, science and art of making medicines, is a primary subject in any pharmacy programme. The present text orients the pharmaceutics practical to suit the need of Pharm D programme students and the teachers as well. Realizing the educational background of just entered first year students, the text attempts to present the entire Pharmacy Council of India syllabus in a simple, understandable and performable manner. The outstanding features are:

·         Questions and Answers provided at the end of each experiment to help the students understanding the use of each preparation/experiment and easily face viva voce during practical examination.

·         Patient counseling points for each of the preparation.

·         Principles and Experimental Procedures written in an easily adoptable style.


1. Systems of measurement and common, Household measures 2. Labelling of medicines 3. Syrups 4.elixirs 5. Linctuses 6. Solutions 7. Liniments 8.mixtures 9. Lotions 10. Emulsions 11.Powders 12. Suppositories 13. Incompatibilities

About the Authors: 

Dr. Guru Prasad Mohanta, a former WHO officer, is currently with Annamalai University as Professor of Pharmacy.  He has more than 30 years of teaching, research and administrative experience at various levels with more than 400 articles to his credit. He is a regular columnist for Newspapers and Pharma Magazines. He has authored several popular texts and reference books. With his International Training background he has been advocating the rational use of medicines at various forums. He has completed projects supported by UGC, ICMR, HAI-AP, EPN, CDSCO, and WHO. He was the Coordinator of Peripheral Centre under National Pharmacovigilance Programme supported by World Bank. He is associated with several Indian Universities and Institutions either as member of academic bodies or examiners. He is a member of various National and International Professional Bodies. He has coordinated many continuing professional development programmes for pharmacy teachers and professional pharmacists. He is a trainer in medicine supply chain management, pharmacoeconomics and rational use related areas. He was recipient of the best researcher award of Annamalai University in 2012 and IAPST Pharmaceutical Scientist of the Year 2015 Award.

Dr. Prabal Kumar Manna, is Professor and Head of Department of Pharmacy at Annamalai University. He has been trained on Pharmaceutical Technology at the University of Ghent, Belgium, with support of BADC Scholarship. He was recipient of the best Teacher Award 2011 of Annamalai University. He has more than 32 years of teaching, research and administrative experience at various levels with over 100 scientific publications to his credit. He has completed projects supported by UGC, ICMR, HAI-AP, EPN, CDSCO, and WHO. He is associated with several Indian Universities and Institutions either as member of academic bodies or examiners. He is a member of various National Professional Bodies. He has coordinated many continuing professional development programmes for pharmacy teachers and professional pharmacists. He was the Coordinator of Peripheral Centre under World Bank supported National Pharmacovigilance Programme..

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