BS Publications
Patient Communication for Pharmacy : A Case-Study Approach on Theory and Practice
Author(s) :Min Liu, Lakesha M. Butler

ISBN : 9789384323295
Name : Patient Communication for Pharmacy : A Case-Study Approach on Theory and Practice
Price : 895.00
Author/s : Min Liu, Lakesha M. Butler
Type : Text Book
Pages : 228
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2017
Publisher : Jones & Bartlett/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Patient Communication for Pharmacy: A Case-Study Approach on Theory and Practice offers communication strategies to promote patient-centered ca re. Utilizing a case study approach, this practical guide develops readers' understanding of the unique communication dynamics between pharmacists and patients and assists them in strengthening the communication skills necessary for providing optimal patient outcomes. Focusing on skills acquisition and an integration of communication and behavioral change theories, this valuable resource also addresses issues relevant to pharmacist-patient communication and relationship building including: health literacy, culturally competent care, patient compliance, conflict/emotionally charged conversations, and more.

A Model of Repetition: The "Learn, Practice. Assess" Case Approach

The Learn, Practice, Assess patient case activities at the end of each chapter are designed to help readers strengthen communication skills through repetition and application of the material presented.

  • The Learn section includes a patient case and two associated patient dialogue scenarios. The first scenario features the ineffective patient dialogue, followed by the improved, more appropriate communication for the pharmacist-patient interaction.
  • In the Practice section, readers use what they have learned from the chapter and the Learn dialogues to develop their own patient communication dialogue based on a provided patient case scenario and stimulating question's.
  • The Assess section includes another patient case scenario, but in this section readers are asked to design a communication dialogue without any guiding material or questions. This is an opportunity for the reader to evaluate hi s or her ability to communicate effectively with a patient in a real-life case scenario.


1. Pharmacy Patient Communication: A Transactional Model 2. Pharmacist Patient Relationship: A Collaborative Approach 3. Empathy and Patient Communication 4. Motivational Interviewing 5. Medication Adherence and Patient Communication 6. Cultural Competency and Patient Communication 7. Communicating with LEP (Limited English Proficiency) Patients 8. Communication with Patients with Low Health Literacy 9. Communicating with Young Patients 10. Communicating with Older Patients 11. Communication with Patients with Physical Disabilities 12. Environmental and Psychological Barriers to Communication 13. Communicating about Emotionally Charged Topics 14. Patient Communication on Sensitive Topics 15. Interprofessional Communication 16. Pharmacy Communication in Diverse Settings

About the Authors:

Min Liu, Ph.D. in Communication, MPH, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Communication Studies. Research and teaching interests include health communication, patient-provider communication, and culturally diverse health needs and behaviors. Recent publications are in communication and pedagogy journals such as Communication Teacher, Communication Education, Applied Communication Research, as well as Journal of Interprofessional Care and Journal of the American Pharmacists Association.

Lakesha M. Butler, PharmD, BCPS is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice. She earned a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Mercer University College of Pharmacy in 2005. Research and teaching interests include cultural competency among healthcare professionals, health literacy, decreasing health disparities among minorities and under served populations, in addition to incorporating innovative and active learning strategies in the pharmacy classroom. She is a clinical pharmacist at a free health clinic in St. Louis, Missouri providing medication therapy management to uninsured patients. She has numerous scholarly publications and national/regional presentations within the field of pharmacy. 

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