BS Publications
Bridge Engineering Handbook
Editor(s) :Wai-Fah Chen, Lian Duan

ISBN : 9780849374340
Name : Bridge Engineering Handbook
Price : 7000.00
Editor/s : Wai-Fah Chen, Lian Duan
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 2018
Year of Publication : Rpt.2014
Publisher : CRC Press / BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book:

An international team of experts has joined forces to produce the Bridge Engineering Handbook. They address all facets-the planning, design, inspection, construction, and maintenance of a variety of bridge structures-creating a must-have resource for every bridge engineer. This unique, comprehensive reference provides the means to review standard practices and keep abreast of new developments and state-of-the-art practices. Comprising 67 chapters in seven sections, the authors presents:

Fundamentals: Provides the basic concepts and theory of bridge engineering

Superstructure Design: Discusses all types of bridges

Substructure Design: Addresses columns, piers, abutments, and foundations

Seismic Design: Presents the latest in seismic bridge design

Construction and Maintenance: Focuses on the practical issues of bridge structures

Special Topics: Offers new and important information and unique solutions

Worldwide Practice: Summarizes bridge engineering practices around the world.

Special attention is given to rehabilitation, retrofit, and maintenance, and the Bridge Engineering Handbook offers over 1,600 tables, charts, and illustrations in ready-to-use format. An abundance of worked-out examples give readers step-by-step design procedures and the section on Worldwide Practice provides a broad and valuable perspective on the "big picture" of bridge engineering past and present.


  • Covers all major areas of bridge design, construction, and maintenance
  • Describe basic concepts and assumptions, without detailed derivations of formulas and theories
  • Provides in-depth treatment of earthquake geotechnical and seismic considerations
  • Combines traditional and state-of-the-art practices Focuses on practical solutions  



Section I : Fundamentals, 1. Conceptual Bridge Design, 2. Bridge Aesthetics — Basics, 3. Bridge Aesthetics — Structural Art, 4. Planning of Major Fixed Links, 5. Design Philosophies for Highway Bridges, 6. Highway Bridge Loads and Load Distribution, 7. Structural Theory, 8. Structural Modeling, Section II : Superstructure Design, 9. Reinforced Concrete Bridges, 10. Prestressed Concrete Bridges, 11. Segmental Concrete Bridges, 12. Steel–Concrete Composite I-Girder Bridges, 13. Steel–Concrete Composite Box-Girder Bridges, 14. Orthotropic Deck Bridges, 15. Horizontally Curved Bridges, 16. Highway Truss Bridges, 17. Arch Bridges, 18. Suspension Bridges, 19. Cable-Stayed Bridges, 20. Timber Bridges, 21. Movable Bridges, 22. Floating Bridges, 23. Railroad Bridges, 24. Bridge Decks and Approach Slabs, 25. Expansion Joints, Section III : Substructure Design, 26. Bearings, 27. Piers and Columns, 28. Towers, 29. Abutments and Retaining Structures, 30. Geotechnical Considerations, 31. Shallow Foundations, 32 Deep Foundations, Section IV : Seismic Design, 33. Geotechnical Earthquake Considerations, 34. Earthquake Damage to Bridges, 35. Dynamic Analysis, 36. Nonlinear Analysis of Bridge Structures, 37. Seismic Design Philosophies and Performance-Based Design Criteria, 38. Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridges, 39. Seismic Design of Steel Bridges, 40. Seismic Retrofit Practice, 41. Seismic Isolation and Supplemental Energy Dissipation, 42. Soil–Foundation–Structure Interaction, 43. Seismic Retrofit Technology, 44. Seismic Design Practice in Japan, Section V : Construction and Maintenance, 45. Steel Bridge Construction, 46. Concrete Bridge Construction, 47. Substructures of Major Overwater Bridges, 48. Bridge Construction Inspection, 49. Maintenance Inspection and Rating, 50. Strengthening and Rehabilitation, Section VI : Special Topics, 51. Applications of Composites in Highway Bridges, 52. Effective Length of Compression Members, 53. Fatigue and Fracture, 54. Statistics of Steel Weight of Highway Bridges, 55. Weigh-in-Motion Measurement of Trucks on Bridges, 56. Impact Effect of Moving Vehicles, 57. Wind Effects on Long-Span Bridges, 58. Cable Force Adjustment and Construction Control, 59. Active Control in Bridge Engineering, 60. Vessel Collision Design of Bridges, 61. Bridge Hydraulics, 62. Sound Walls and Railings, Section VII : Worldwide Practice, 63. Bridge Design Practice in China, 64. Design Practice in Europe, 65. Design Practice in Japan, 66. Design Practice in Russia, 67. The Evolution of Bridges in the United States.

About the Authors:

Wai-Fah Chen  is a George E. Goodwin Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering and head of the Department of Structural Engineering, School of Civil Engineering at Purdue university. He received his B.S. in civil engineering from the National Cheng-Kung university, Taiwan, in 1959, M.S. in structural engineering from Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in 1963, and Ph.D. in solid mechanics from Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island in 1966.

Dr. Chen’s research interests cover several areas, including constitutive modeling of engineering materials, soil and concrete plasticity, structural connections, and structural stability. He is the recipient of numerous engineering awards, including the AISC T.R. Higgins Lectureship Award, the ASCE Raymond C. Reese Research Prize, and the ASCE Shortridge Hardesty Award. He was elected to the national Academy of engineering in1995, and was awarded an Honorary Membership in the American Society of Civil Engineers in1997. He was most recently elected to the Academia Sinica in Taiwan.

Lian Duan is a Senior Bridge Engineer with the California Department of Transportation, U.S., and Professor of Structural Engineering at Taiyuan University of Technology, China.

He received his B.S. in civil engineering in1975, M.S. in structural engineering in 1981 from Taiyuan University of Technology, and Ph.D. in structural engineering from Pardue University, West Lafayette, Indiana in1990. Dr. Duan worked at the Northeastern China Power Design Institute from 1975 to 1978.

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