BS Publications
Computer Applications in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Author(s) :Syed Mohiuddin, A. Venkateshwar Reddy, Azra Sultana

ISBN : 8188279684
Name : Computer Applications in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Price : 270.00
Author/s : Syed Mohiuddin, A. Venkateshwar Reddy
Type : Text Book
Pages : 524
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2010
Publisher : UKaaz / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book:

Computer literacy is the need of the hour. Now-a-days, every growing industry uses information technology which has become an integral part of almost every household and business establishments and also scientific developments across the globe. Now the computer applications have become a very common tool in all areas of science and technology. The field of pharmacy has immensely benefited by the use of computer and will continue to benefit as the pharmacists’ gain more familiarity with computers. Some of the important areas where computers are useful are new drug and hospital pharmacy. Various hardwares and software’s have been developed without which drug discovery, designing, manufacturing and analysing would become virtually impossible. Further developments are still in progress which will enable us to discover new drugs for complete care of dreaded diseases and reduce the cost of production of drugs for diseases which are easily cured.

Today’s technology has assumed enormous importance with the tremendous pace of progress which is touching newer horizons every day. This book is an attempt to furnish a simple text for those to desire to equip themselves with a knowledge in the area of computer revolution with the applications in pharmaceutical sciences. The subject is presented in a modulated and graded manner beginning with a fundament core of introductive material which develops gradually from the simple to complex and intricate, making the students progress smooth, easy and pleasant. It contains almost every important topic that a student and a teacher of the subject would require.

This book is a genuine attempt to bridge the gap between the theory and the applications of the subject. Though meticulous care has been taken in writing, editing and printing of the material some mistakes might have crept in. We, therefore, close with the request to all who may use this book to be free to pass on to us their comments or suggestions, to enable us to improve our future prints and editions.


1. Introduction to computers. 2. History of Computers. 3. Computer Validation. 4. Operating System and Windows. 5. Microsoft Excel. 6. Microsoft Access. 7. Networking Concepts. 8. Introducing Internet to Biologist, 9. Computer Languages, 10. Programming Languages, a) Pascal. b) C Programming, c) C++ Programming, 11. Microcomputers, 12. Introduction to Unix, 13. Algorithm and Flow Chart, a) Algorithm, b) Flow Chart, 14. Database Management System, 15. Drug Discover and Design, 16. Drug Discovery and Design: Qsar Applications in Pharmaceutical industry, 17. Computer Applications in Pharmaceutical sciences and clinical studies.

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