BS Publications
Total Quality Management – An Integrated Approach
Author(s) :DR. Kiran

ISBN : 9789352300921
Name : Total Quality Management – An Integrated Approach
Price : 650.00
Author/s : DR. Kiran
Type : Text Book
Pages : 618
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2019
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here
Chapter1 : Click here
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About the Book:

The text book on Total Quality Management, an Integrated Approach, brings forth all the management principles and practices that govern the quality function quality management as well as the related topics specified in several university syllabi and which have been taught to the TQM students all over the world, into a single comprehensive book. This book illustrates all the fundamental principles involved in the quality function and gives detailed explanation of the latest developments in the quality concepts. This book hence is expected to be of immense help to the practicing engineers to get a comprehensive grasp on the subject and to get a clear cut understanding of the quality principles and practices.  They can appreciate the need to maintain high levels of quality in their company’s activities to sustain the progress.


Salient features:


·        Syllabi from around 20 Universities and Institutions of India in addition to those from Russia and USA are collected to draw the outline for this book.

·       This book emphasizes how the traditional inspection methods have metamorsphacised into Total Quality Management with all the tools of quality control methods professed by the Quality Gurus. Special attempt is made to explain in detail and with illustrations, the traditional and the modern tools of quality control

·       The chapters on the Systems Approach to Management, Decision Theory etc., emphasize the fundamental management principles the quality professional should know, while the chapters on Quality Function Deployment, Taguchi’s Loss Function etc., emphasize the modern concepts of Total Quality Management.

·       A special feature of this book is the importance given to the fundamentals of statistics, so that the reader is fully equipped to understand better the vital topic of statistical quality control.

Another feature of this book is the explanation given to the traditional Industrial Engineering techniques relating them to the modern concepts of Kaizen, DFSS etc.   Several case studies and illustrations are provided based on the author’s experience.


1.TQM – An Overview, 2. Evolution of TQM, 3. Quality Gurus, 4. Leadership and TQM, 5. Scientific Management, 6. System Approach to Management Theory, 6. System Approach to Management Theory, 7. Strategic Planning, 8. Cost of Quality, 9. Organisation for TQM, 10. Customer Satisfaction, 11. Total Employee Involvement, 12. Supplier Partnership, 13. Total Productive Maintenance, 14. Quality Awards, 15. Quality Circles, 16. Fundamentals of Statistics – Part I, 17. Fundamentals of Statistics – Part II, 18. Process Capability, 19. Inward Inspection, 20. Seven Traditional Tools of TQM, 21. The Seven Modern Tools of TQM, 22. Kaizen and Continuous Improvement, 23. 5 S, 24. Six Sigma, 25. Terminology used in Japanese Management Practices, 26. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, 27. Reliability Engineering, 28. Business Process Reengineering, 29. Benchmarking, 30. Quality Function Deployment, 31. Quality Loss Function, 32. Design for Quality, 33. Value Engineering, 34, ISO 9000 Quality Systems, 35. ISO 14000 Quality Systems.

About the Author:

Prof. D. R. Kiran, B.Sc., B.E., M.Sc. (Eng.), (Ph.D.), FIE(I), FIIProdE, FIIPlantE, FITTE, FISNT, has a rich practical experience of forty years both in industry and academy. Starting his career in 1968 with Larsen & Toubro, he held top positions like Manager of Rallifan (CF division), World Bank Adviser/Instructor for Transport Managers in Tanzania and the Principal of PMR Institute of Technology, Chennai.He started his academic career in 1979, and taught subjects like Total QualityManagement, Professional Ethics and Maintenance Engineering Management at B.E. level. He has been the national Council member of National Institute for Quality and Reliability, which has been nominated by the Quality Council of India to be the nodal point for the ZED Cell program initiated by the Government of India. His active participation in NIQR activities helped him in organizing and participating in quality conventions and quality related seminars. This provided the inspiration for him in planning for an integrated book on quality management covering all quality related topics and this holistic approach is expected to be of immense help to the students as well as the practicing engineers.

In recognition of his services in the field of engineering education, he was presented with the coveted Bharat Excellence Award and Gold Medal for Excellence in Education in New Delhi in 2006. He is listed as an International Expert in Industrial Engineering and Management in the International Directory of Experts and Expertise. He is nominated for the post of Honorary Deputy Director General in India for International Biographical Center.

Earlier during the eighties, he was introduced to Dr. Julius Nyerere, the then President of Tanzania as a Pioneer of Work Study in that country. He was one among few nonpolitical foreigners to be interviewed by the government newspaper of Tanzania.

He has authored two more books, one on Professional Ethics and Human Values published by McGraw Hill (India) and another on Maintenance Engineering and Management - Precepts and Practices published by BS Publications.

He has published 23 papers in professional journals and seminar proceedings and was the Chief Guest in several Technical Meets. He was the Organizing Secretary for the successful 29th Production Convention of the Institution of Engineers held in August 2014. He is the National Vice-President of IIPlantE, as well as Vice Chairman, Past Chairman, Secretary etc. of several professional associations like IIProductionE, IIPlantE, Chartered Inst. of Transport, NIQR and ISNT. He was responsible for the establishments of several student chapters for IIProdE and NIQR. He is widely traveled having visited over 30 countries and is a philanthropist.
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