BS Publications
Essentials of Biotechnology
Author(s) :Irfan Ali Khan

ISBN : 9788188279326
Name : Essentials of Biotechnology
Price : 295.00
Author/s : Irfan Ali Khan
Type : Text Book
Pages : 299
Year of Publication : 2006
Publisher : Ukaaz/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Introduction 2. History 3. Biotechnology in India 4. Prospects of Biotechnology in India 5. Impact of Biotechnology 6. Biotechnology and Industrial Development 7. Developments in Biotechnology 8. Socio-economic aspects of Biotechnology 9. Applications of Biotechnology 10. Contributions of Biotechnology 11. Industrial Biotechnology 12. Medical Biotechnology 13. Animal Biotechnology 14. Environmental Biotechnology 15. Agricultural Biotechnology 16. Forest Biotechnology 17. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 18. Microbial Biotechnology 19. Biofertilisers technology 20. Biotechnology of energy 21. Ethical and social aspects 22. Bioethics: In international View

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