BS Publications
Principles of Welding Processes, physics, Chemistry & Metallurgy
Author(s) :Robert W. Messler, Jr.

ISBN : 9788126552627
Name : Principles of Welding Processes, physics, Chemistry & Metallurgy
Price : 4495.00
Author/s : Robert W. Messler, Jr.
Type : Text Book
Pages : 662
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2015
Publisher : John Willey/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book


Despite the critically important role welding plays in nearly every type of human endeavor, most books on this process either focus on basic technical issues and leave the science out, or vice versa. In Principles of Welding, industry expert and prolific technical speaker Robert W. Messler, Jr. takes an integrated approach--presenting a comprehensive, self-contained treatment of the welding process along with the underlying physics, chemistry, and metallurgy of weld formation.

Promising to become the standard text and reference in the field, this book provides an unprecedented broad coverage of the underlying physics and the mechanics of solidification--including peritectic and eutectic reactions--and emphasizes material continuity and bonding as a way to create a joint between materials of the same general class. The author supplements the book with hundreds of tables and illustrations, and correlates the science to welding practices in the real world.

Principles of Welding departs from existing books with its clear, unambiguous presentation, which is easily grasped even by undergraduate students, yet given at the advanced level required by experienced engineers.


I.THE PROCESS AND PROCESSES OF WELDING, 1. Introduction to the Process of Welding, 2. Classifying Welding Processes, 3. Fusion Welding Processes, 4. Nonfusion Welding Processes, II. THE PHYSICS OF WELDING, 5. Energy for Welding, 6. The Flow of Heat in Welds, 7. Thermally Induced Distortion & Residual Stresses During Welding, 8. The Physics of Welding Energy or Power Sources, 9. Molten Metal Transfer in Consumable Electrode Arc Welding, 10. Weld Pool Convection, Oscillation, & Evaporation, III. THE CHEMISTRY OF WELDING, 11. Molten Metal & Weld Pool Reactions, 12. Weld Chemical Heterogeneity, IV. THE METALLURGY OF WELDING, 13. Weld Fusion Zone Solidfication, 14. Eutectic, Peritectic, & Postsolidification Fusion Zone Transformations, 15. The Partially Melted Zone, 16. The Weld Heat-Affected Zone, 17. Weldability and Weld Testing.

About the Author

ROBERT W. MESSLER, JR., PhD, FASM, FAWS, is Associate Professor and Director of the Warren F. Savage Materials Joining Laboratory at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. With over three decades in diverse areas of advanced materials and processes in industry and academia, Professor Messler has published numerous papers on welding, brazing, soldering, and innovative integral fastening as well as the book Joining of Advanced Materials.

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