BS Publications
Coatings Tribology Properties, Mechanisma, techniques and Applications in Surface Engineering
Author(s) :Kenneth Holmberg, Allan Matthews

ISBN : 9789351072881
Name : Coatings Tribology Properties, Mechanisma, techniques and Applications in Surface Engineering
Price : 4495.00
Edition : 2nd edition
Author/s : Kenneth Holmberg, Allan Matthews
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 560
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2015
Publisher : Elsevier / BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book


The surface coating field is a rapidly developing area of science and technology that offers new methods and techniques to control friction and wear. New coating types are continually being developed and the potential applications in different industrial fields are ever growing, ranging from machine components and consumer products to medical instruments and prostheses.

This book provides an extensive review of the latest technology in the field, addressing techniques such as physical and chemical vapour deposition, the tribological properties of coatings, and coating characterization and performance evaluation techniques. Eleven different cases are examined in close detail to demonstrate the improvement of tribological properties and a guide to selecting coatings is also provided.

This second edition is still the only monograph in the field to give a holistic view of the subject and presents all aspects, including test and performance data as well as insights into mechanisms and interactions, thus providing the level of understanding vital for the practical application of coatings.olving technology of materials and processes that are considered non-conventional.


1. Introduction, 2. Deposition Processes and Coating Structures, 3. Tribology of Coatings, 4. Tribological Properties of Coatings, 5. Coating Characterisation and Performance Evaluation, 6. Coating Selection, 7. Applications.

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