BS Publications
Rocket Propulsion Elements
Author(s) :George P. Sutton, Oscar Biblarz

ISBN : 9788126525775
Name : Rocket Propulsion Elements
Price : 1995.00
Edition : 7th Edition
Author/s : George P. Sutton, Oscar Biblarz
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 751
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2018
Publisher : John Willey/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

For more than fifty years, this seminal text has been regarded as the single most authoritative sourcebook on rocket propulsion technology. More comprehensive and coherently organized than any other book on the subject, Rocket Propulsion Elements guides readers evenhandedly through the complex factors that shape propulsion, with both theory and practical design considerations.

With more than a third of the text and illustrations either completely new or extensively revised, this latest edition includes current information on engine structures, nozzle theory, gas properties, thrust chambers, launch vehicles, and more. With a detailed table of contents breaking down each chapter into subsections – as well as an expanded index of key words – the Seventh Edition efficiently steers readers quickly to the information they need. Other highlights include:

·    Separate chapters on liquid. Solid, and hybrid propulsion systems and a new chapter on thrust chambers including the new aerospike nozzle

·    Comprehensive coverage of rocket propulsion technology, with applications to space flight, satellite flight, and guided and unguided missiles

·    Problem-solving examples and exercise relevant to actual design situations

·    More than 340 illustrations, including photographs, tables, and graphs

·    Coherent, up-to-date chapter on electrical propulsion balancing fundamentals with practical aspects and applications

For professional engineers in the aerospace and defense industries as well as undergraduate and graduate students in mechanical and aerospace engineering, this time-honored resource is indispensable for its scope of coverage and utility.


1.  Classification, 2. Definitions and Fundamentals, 3. Nozzle Theory and Thermodynamic Relations, 4. Flight Performance, 5. Chemical Rocket Propellant Performance Analysis, 6. Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine Fundamentals, 7. Liquid Propellants, 8. Thrust Chambers, 9. Combustion of Liquid Propellants, 10. Turbopumps, Engine Design, Engine Controls, Calibration, Integration, and Optimization, 11. Solid Propellant Rocket Fundamentals, 12. Solid Propellants, 13. Combustion of Solid Propellants, 14. Solid Rocket Components and Motor Design, 15. Hybrid Propellant Rockets, 16. Thrust Vector Control, 17. Selection of Rocket Propulsion Systems, 18. Rocket Exhaust Plumes, 19. Electric Propulsion, 20. Rocket Testing.

George P. Sutton is a consultant for the aerospace industry. He formerly served as Executive Director of Engineering at Rocketdyne (now The Boeing Company) and as a Laboratory Associate at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

 Oscar Biblarz is a Professor in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California.

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