BS Publications
Handbook of Superconducting Materials: Charaterization, Applications, Cryogenlcs and Superconductivity, Materials and Process
Author(s) :David A Cardwell, David S Ginley

ISBN : 9780750308984
Name : Handbook of Superconducting Materials: Charaterization, Applications, Cryogenlcs and Superconductivity, Materials and Process
Price : 5000.00
Volume : 2 Volume sets
Author/s : David A Cardwell, David S Ginley
Type : Text Book
Pages :
Year of Publication : Rpt.2014
Publisher : CRC Press/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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VOLUME I: Superconductivity, Materials and Processes Part A: Fundamentals of Superconductivity Part B: Processing Part C: High Temperature Superconductors VOLUME II: Characterization, Application and Cryogenics Part D: Characterization Techniques Part E: Applications Part F: Refrigeration Methods Part G: Emerging Materials
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