BS Publications
Textbook of Environmental Science
Author(s) :M Anji Reddy

ISBN : 9788178002170
Name : Textbook of Environmental Science
Price : 150.00
Author/s : M Anji Reddy
Type : Text Book
Pages : 293
Year of Publication : 2010
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

This book focuses on natural resources, eco-systems, environmental pollution, solid waste management and environmental impact assessment in addition to the current environmental Issues. It is also useful for undergraduate students of Science & Engineering and other courses covered by all universities and colleges in India.


· Review Questions are provided at the end of each chapter

· Objective questions and answers are added for each chapter

· A chapter on Environmental Impact Assessment is added.


1. Introduction, 2. Ecosystems, 3. Human activities on Environment, 4. Natural resources, 5. Energy Resources, 6. Environmental Pollution, 7. Solid Waste management, 8. current environmental issues, 9. Environmental impact assessment

About the Author

Anji Reddy Mareddy did M.Sc, M.Tech, (IIT, Kanpur), and Ph.D. Having more than 22 years of teaching and research experience in Remote Sensing and GIS, Geoinformatics for Environmental Management, is presently working as Professor of Environmental Science and Technology in Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad. He has been the principal guide for more than 130 academic projects at P.G. level, 14  Ph.D projects and at present guiding more than 14 Ph.D students.

He published and presented more than 107 research papers on various themes. He delivered expert lectures at University of Illinois, Chicago, University of IOWA, University of Chicago, Urbana and East West Centre, Honolulu in USA, Stockholm Water Company in Sweden, International Centre for Environmental Management for Enclosed Coastal Seas, Osaka, Kobe City in Japan, University of Florida, USA, Colorado University , Denver, USA and Universities of Philadelphia , USA and Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. By applying his rich academic experience in research, he developed a new era in Geoinformatics in JNTU.

            He is an instrumental to start M.Tech programmes in Environmental Geomatics (EGI), Environmental Management (EMT), M.Sc. in Environmental Science and Technology (EST) and M.Sc. Geospatial Science and Technology (GST) in Centre for environment.

            He authored few textbooks, namely, Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System, Geoinformatics for Environmental Management, Digital Image Processing and Environmental Science and Technology published by us. He also edited the five proceeding volumes of International Conference on Environmental Management.

            His outstanding contribution in Environmental problem solving, pollution control, health and safety, GIS and Remote sensing applications for water quality, transportation planning, assessment of sedimentation distribution pattern, EIA, Socio- economic development through scientific means  stood him not only a distinguished Professor in JNTU but also at National and International level.
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