BS Publications
PHP 5 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Author(s) :Lee Babin, Nathan A. Good, Frank M. Kromann, Jon Stephens

ISBN : 9788132213239
Name : PHP 5 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Price : 795.00
Author/s : Lee Babin, Nathan A. Good
Type : Text Book
Pages : 646
Year of Publication : Rpt.2013
Publisher : Apress/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Overview of PHP Data Types and Concepts, 2. Overview of Classes, Objects, and Interfaces, 3. Performing Math Operations, 4. Working with Arrays, 5. Working with Dates and Times, 6. Working with Strings, 7. Working with Files and Directories, 8. Working with Dynamic Imaging, 9. Using Regular Expressions, 10. Working with Variables, 11. Using Functions, 12. Understanding Web Basics, 13. Creating and Using Forms, 14. Working with Markup, 15. Using MySQL Databases in PHP 5, 16. Communicating with Internet Services
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